District Executive Documents

The Business of Hemel Hempstead District Scout Council is governed primarily by the “Policy, Organisation and Rules” (POR) of The Scout Association. POR do allow certain latitude for local procedures to be established for the conduct of local business.   The purpose of this Index is to list for quick reference the local procedures, agreements, etc which have been put in place from time to time to guide the business of Hemel Hempstead Scout District.

Each local Procedure is classed as Constitutional, Policy or Agreement depending on its scope and the process necessary to establish, change or cancel it.

Constitutional procedures

These have been established by Resolution of the District Scout Council passed at a General Meeting.

  • The District Financial Year is 1 January – 31 December  [Resolution at EGM 1996]
  • The Numbers of Nominated and Elected Members of the District Executive Committee are maximum 4 of each.   (These are additional to ex-officio members as prescribed by POR).  [Resolution at AGM 2008]
  • The Quorum for a valid Exec meeting to be held is 5, which must include either DC or Chairman [Resolution at AGM 2008]
  • The Nomination of District Representatives to the County Scout Council is delegated to the District Executive Committee  [Resolution at AGM 2012].


These have been established by decision of the District Executive Committee.


These have been agreed between the parties involved, and Approved by the Executive Committee where appropriate.

  • Service Agreement with District SASU ”Shop”   [draft 2011]
  • Service Agreement with District SASU ”Water Activities”   [draft 2011]